bust yo nut top bar tracks
bust yo nut top bar tracks
Ahead of tomorrow night's bust yo nut party, we asked promoters Martyn Fitzgerald and Toby Grimditch to expand a bit more on their top bar music policy. With its focus on '80s r'n'b and early hip hop we asked them to tell us about the tracks that inspire them...
We've been bold with the artwork and opted for summer pastels even though the sun has yet to put his hat on. Hopefully this will be our first bust yo nut party where we're not leaving in salopettes (not very hip hop either, are they?). We're both children of the '80s, as in we remember throwing down the lino in Basildon and doing god awful body popping in Gabicci tops and Filas; but although loads of people listened to the stuff we're going to play upstairs, as two white mo's our world didn't really bring us into contact with clubs playing this...
Join Martyn and Toby for bust yo nut this Saturday 13th April at Dalston Superstore from 9pm - 4am.
bust yo nut top bar tracks