Out of the depths of Texas comes Christeene, a self-described "sexually infused sewer of live rap and vile shamelessness", a gender terrorist and all-round hot mess. She hits the UK with full force this month with what is sure to be a sell out show at the always-amazing Soho Theatre. Ahead of her run we sent Christeene some of our burning questions about just how vile she really is...
Describe CHRISTEENE for the uninitiated... which of the many brilliant videos would you start us of on?
Hell I dunno how da fuck tooo describe myself. I guess I'm like diz river uh gasoline runnin thru da blue flamed woods. Quick ta fuggin ignite.
As ferr da videos I think u should slap dat face wit some Slowly/Easy an den move dat pussaaay over tooo sum African Mayonnaise. Double dip if u wanna. Iz okay wit mee.
How do you come up with the concepts for your videos? Is there a casting couch process?
Me an PJ Raval, we sit down somewherrr an we tink of alllllll da beautiful thingz that stank up our brainz when we hear da sounds and we giggle an laugh an we realize we so so fuckin broke so we let our imagination machines cum toooo life an we make majiiik outta nuthin thanks too tha help of sum fine ass peeple who help us by puttin some monaaaay where there luv iz.
Your close collaborator P J Raval's documentary, Before You Know It, looks amazing... what other talented creatures are attracted to your raw charm?
PJ got da most amayyyzin wurk an it make me cry when I see it. Other woodland shits who have got all caught up in diz pussay are C Baby and T Gravel my most unbeeleeevalbe dancer boyz an JJ Booya who turns da beats out.
BEFORE YOU KNOW IT - 4min Trailer from PJ Raval on Vimeo.
Is it fair to say that CHRISTEENE could only have been spawned from the weird haven that is Austin, TX?
Yeah I think iz fair too say dat Austin Texas is a crayyzeee fugggin place.
Can you tell us a bit about the perfomance circuit there? Are you the villest thing on offer or does it plumb previously untold depths?
Derr are so many fugged up depths to dat citaay. I just know dat one day I appeared. I don't know how an I don't know from whut, but somethin in dat town definitely glowed bright enough ferr my stank stick too plug into.
How do shock levels to your shows vary from city to city? What's the most visceral reaction you've ever had?
I just get uh feeel of where da fuck I'm standin, who I'm talkin tooo, whut I'm smellin in da room, an I let loose an let da bird in my mouth tell me whut too say.
Visceral... derr wuz diz FUCKED UP man in Chicago. I had juz taken my butt plug outta my ass an it had sum balloonz tied to it. Dat nasty fucker toook my plug an started suckin on it in front of meeeee. I wuz like ohhhh SHIT Chicagoooooo.
As CHRISTEENE you excited some people. You scare others. Some even go down an academic analysis route trying to decipher you. But what emotion or response do you set out to elicit from your audiences if any?
I aint responsible ferrr whut da fugg yall feelin. I'm just lettin out whut is screamin on da inside. Most people, whether they fugggin like da food or not, usually find demselves lingerin a lonnnnnnnnng time at diz buffet.
Despite being very much of the gutter, CHRISTEENE doesn't come across as malicious in any way- a depraved tart with a heart if you will. Is that something you strive for and is important to you to maintain?
I ain't out to tear off no body's face unless they fuggin threaten me or my boyz. I'm in diz ferr da damm fine light dat cums on when two freaks meet. Dat is da heaven hole ferr me xxx
What can you we expect from your show at the Soho Theatre? How can we mentally ready ourselves?
Expect Nuthin. Branng Everything.
To win a pair of tickets to see Christeene at the Soho Theatre on Wednesday 25th June email with the email subject "Christeene's Tears" by 10am Friday 20th June and tell us what city sewer she mysteriously appeared from...
a. New York
b. Austin
c. Portland
To join Christeene on any other date between Tuesday 24th June and Saturday 5th July please visit the Soho Theatre website: