Dalston Supernovae
Dalston Supernovae
Alun Davies, art director, known for his other-worldly, off-kilter colour environments showcased in British and Italian Vogue, opens his debut art installation at uber-venue Dalston Superstore.
Davies’ spectacular transformative installation, curated by Saskia Wickins, opens this July at Dalston Superstore – where the upper bar and gallery space become a new world of colourful, futuristic landscapes expressed in a multi-media environment of mural paintings, luminous neon sculpture, 3D props, film, photography and sculpted portraits. Davies brings together the elements of his meteoric, multi-faceted career to create a gallery of characters who ‘act out’ the age-old narratives of relationships: love, death, battle and betrayal.
These characters’ costumes form a new collection of work, which is seen for the first time in a gallery context. Davies has drawn inspiration from his own stellar back catalogue of previous work worn by T.E.E.D, Lady Gaga’s Monsterball dance troop and his high-end editorial/advertising commissions. The exhibition fuses together and includes the fantasy elements previously created in the cosmology of Alun Davies Art Direction, as seen in fashion and pop iconography through the mediums of film, photography, installation and operatic stage shows.
Davies combines the debris of Dalston’s elite with crystal, glitter, Swarovski, mirror and glass in an alchemical process, creating objects that attain the new energies and properties of desirability. His Muses of Metamorphosis are found in the depths (and sometimes alleyways) of Dalston, Berlin and New York: androgynous, futuristic, self-formed characters from another dimension. Friends, lovers and muses contribute their alien DNA, including performer and porn icon Danni Daniels, recording artist Peaches, designer and Vogue Fabrics club owner Lyall Hakaraia, milliner and collaborator Piers Atkinson, stylist Kim Howells, fashion photographer Thomas Cooksey, illustrator Rebecca Rice, curator Eleanor Weber, writer Michael Nottingham, poet Sitron Panopoulos and live artist Owen Parry.
At Dalston Supernovae expect to see armored battles, paintings, a photography story by Thomas Cooksey and Stylist Kim Howells, a live events schedule and readings.
Alun Davies contributes to editorials in Another, British, Russian, U.S and Italian Vogue, V Man, Fantastic Man, GQ, Metal, I.D and SHOWstudio.com
Credits include stage opera with musician Peaches / British Feature film 'Wreckers' / advertising and commercial installations and costume props for Adidas, A.S.O.S, Charlie Le Mindu, Diesel, House of Organza, Lady Gaga, Net a Porter, Piers Atkinson, Universal Music and Waddler clothing. Look books for Lu Flux, Piers Atkinson, Sophie Hulme & Toujouri.
Music Video’s and press imagery for La Roux, Paper crows, T.E.E.D and The Good Natured.
Club installation at Glastonbury for Vogue Fabrics, Site Specific installations for Charlie Le Mindu at Machine A, Store designs for Piers Atkinson. Fashion films for SHOWstudio, Glassmagazine and Vogue Italia online.
Davies’ multimedia style, hyper-colour set designs, outré vision and hands-on craftsmanship approach to art direction has been well received by the fashion, music and moving image industries. Using a mixture of ephemera, objet trouvé and sculpture, Davies’ productions are often sustainable and ethically produced.
Throughout this unique exhibition new energies will be found each day and night by the transformation of the habitual Dalston Superstore.
Dalston Superstore: art@dalston superstore.com
Dalston Supernovae