Dog Is A DJ
Dog Is A DJ
Breed is back this weekend with electronic superstar Rex The Dog going back 2 back with partner in crime RUFUS&Bambi for some acid madness. As per usual, they've got a bonanza giveaway in the form of a brand new t-shirt design. This one, Dog Is A DJ, comes in both black and white and looks fit on both boys and girls and is absolutely free, just like entry to Dalston Superstore on the night.
We've also managed to get our mitts on this behind-the-scenes video from Rex showing the man himself hand-screenprinting the new tees....
And, in a show of even more generosity, he's also sent us the latest Breed podcast featuring both himself and RUFUS&Bambi. Ideal to eliminate those midweek blues and get in the Friday mood early.
Breed #7 takes place this Friday 3rd August at Dalston Superstore from 9pm - 4am with Rex The Dog and RUFUS&Bambi in the lazer pit and Grizzle performing atop the bar upstairs.
Dog Is A DJ