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Transmissions presents MILLENNIUM ACTRESS (2001)

Due to popular demand, the third film of Animania is Millennium Actress (2001), from beloved director Satoshi Kon (Perfect Blue, Paprika).

This feature length anime tells the story of two documentary filmmakers who begin to see the line between cinema and reality blur as they investigate the life of a retired screen star.

Find us cosy in the basement at Dalston Superstore for another film chosen by and for our majority-trans audience.

“I’ll go to you!”

Subtitles will be displayed throughout.

Seating is a mixture of backed chairs, benches, bar stools, and floor space, and is first come first served.

Free tickets and donor options available via OutSavvy

Transmissions presents MILLENNIUM ACTRESS (2001)

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Transmissions presents MILLENNIUM ACTRESS (2001)

