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Hackney Pirates

Hackney Pirates

As the English Disco Lovers prepare to throw their first fundraising Superstore party this Friday, we sought out the local charity set to benefit, the Hackney Pirates. A volunteer-run schemed now based in Dalston, the Hackney Pirates focus their efforts in developing the literacy skills of local children. Running primarily on donations, volunteers and crowd-funding, they're all too happy to be involved with the party and answer our questions about it and their organisation!
How, when and why did the idea germinate for the Hackney Pirates?

Our founder lived in the area and was a teacher. She heard about some great projects in other areas that used volunteers from the local community to support children's learning with extra one-to-one attention, and thought - Hackney people can be those people!

Why Hackney?

Because we have so many amazing people here who have both time and talent to give. There are so many resources hidden in our local community and we believe that we can untap them to support local young people.

If you could pick a song that sums up the ethos of the Hackney Pirates what would it be?

The Go Team! - The Power Is On 

Tell us about the Ship Of Adventures...

Fairly soon we will be moving into a four storey building on Kingsland High Street (and just opposite Dalston Superstore). We've "popped up" in seven different locations since we started so we're incredibly excited to be granted a permanent home for The Hackney Pirates. It will allow us to expand the work that we do with schools and young people as well as try out some new things, like an event space and Shop of Adventures. 

Is it ship-shape(d)?

Yes! The current designs have the workshop space in the basement as an underwater cave environment with all kinds of sea life and giant octupuses. The ground floor will be the main deck and the upper floors will be reaching up the mast. They're just designs at the moment, but we are pretty sure it's going to look great. 

In your Indiegogo crowdfunding video for it, the kids asked local residents about adventures... what was the best one you heard?

Our neighbour from the local corner shop who told us with glowing eyes about an amazing trip she did a couple of years ago. Adventures makes people smile!


What's the response been like from the community?

We knew that there were quite a few people who supported the work that we do based on how many people have got involved with volunteering, but we were quite stunned by people's donations and comments. People who we didn't know before have been very generous. It's been really humbling. 

How did you guys come to work with the English Disco Lovers for this event?

One of the best things about working at The Hackney Pirates is that, quite often, the best things come from out of the blue. English Disco Lovers dropped us a line when they knew they were going to be at Dalston Superstore. They'd heard about what we do and knew that we were pretty near by. We play disco a fair bit in the office, so jumped on board immediately.

And sum up in one sentence why the Hackney Pirates need our donations...

Because all children deserve the chance to do well at school and to develop the skills they need for the real world (and because learning should always be a grand adventure)!

Join the Hackney Pirates this Friday 6th September for English Disco Lovers at Dalston Superstore from 9pm - 3am.
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Hackney Pirates

