Forget Edinburgh, now there's finally a festival actually devoted to fringe: CLASH BASH FRINGE FEST! From the fringe of society to a society of fringe, whether it's your hair or what you wear, it's time to bring fringe front and centre. For one night only, let's live on the fringe of fashion.* From baby bangs to full frontal fringe, come flip n flounce with us! Upstairs, it's poppin off with clashy poptastic nonsense from El Tuma and Knickerbocker and downstairs in the bang-ing basement is a boy from outer space and Wax Wings! PLUS Visiting the far reaches of the universe, bearing gifts from the fringe of the galaxy are your hosts Joey Fourr and Finn Love!
Free before 10 / £3 before 11 / £6 after
*All fringe lewks get an automatic queue jump
Clash Bash