Power Station’s Top Tips for Successful raving
Power Station’s Top Tips for Successful raving
Next in the series of party oracles to lend you their best raving tips are Melbournian Power Station power houses Kris Baha and the enigmatic Dane//close! Read up, and join us for an all-night multi-sensory lazerhole session at Discosodoma <3 Power Station this Saturday!
1. Dance floor means DANCE floor
2. R.E.S.P.E.C.T women
3. Try to respect yourself. Two is fun but three+ is more like a 90’s house party if you know what i mean.
4. Drugs, cool.
5. No drugs, cooler.
6. Snacks. Eat them and last longer, seriously.
7. When its time to go home, don't.
Catch Kris Baha and Dane//Close at Discosodoma <3 Power Station this Saturday 14 October from 9pm-4am at Dalston Superstore!
Power Station’s Top Tips for Successful raving