tanzBar DJs’ Favourite Records
tanzBar DJs’ Favourite Records
After their 11 hour New Years Day extravaganza, tanzBar returns for a two-floor party here at Dalston Superstore! With resident Polanski, host Mr Deutz and guest DJs Y.O.T.I., Kasia, Karezza and Jonas Ransson, they'll be bringing their special vibes to upstairs and the basement.
"It's the naughtiest dancing imaginable. Two boys dance with one girl or boys dance with other boys, couples lock in a mass embrace. The scenes on the dance floor are fit for a lunatic asylum: if you couldn’t hear the music you’d think the dancers were insane."
Mr Deutz… What is one record that sums up for you the party ethos?
Gotham by Ten Walls. Partly because of the combination of ethereal otherness, strong danceability and joy, but also because Polanski has played it a number of times and when I think of his nights this often comes to mind.
Polanski… what’s one record you can totally lose yourself in?
Let The Good Times Roll (Agoria Remix) by Layo & Bushwacka! This came out in the year 2002 when I had travelled back home for a holiday trip and to my horror I was rejected on the UK border when I returned… There was a bitter-sweet ending to the story; ending my relationship here in London but starting a completely new life chapter in Wroclaw/Poland. Connecting with a new group of people, then starting my new club night and a weekly residency that in few months turned my DJ-skills to a level of turntablism. I remember how that song was totally melting the dance floor, with a powerful rolling bass line and haunting voice, as if arriving from the Elsewhereness - it still gives me goose bumps. It’s beautifully happy as well as sad, it captures those emotions that connect me with music in the most profound way. I have searched the internet to find online version – but it’s only available as a part of my mix from that very club night: bOMBER cLOCK (Check it at 44:00 minutes)
Deep Moonday by Polanski on Mixcloud
Y.O.T.I… A record that informs your live project The Eyeshadows?
Moon Safari by Air. This album is a proof that alchemy exists. Air took trash and turned it to gold. Moon Safari made me embrace my aural guilty pleasures and use them as part of my creative process. Thank you Air!
Jonas… A record that you treasure from your teens?
Visage by Visage. I’m glad you asked me this question as it gives me the opportunity to talk about the recent passing of Steve Strange who has had a consistent influence over my musical obsessions and influences. The first record I ever bought, at age 13, and actually ordered from the local record store, on 12” believe it or not, was Visage’s ‘Visage’, the third release from their self titled LP of that year. Their music is filled with rich humour and sound puns in addition to solid musicianship on both guitars and synthesisers. And who could not help be drawn to that beautiful picture of Steve on the cover, in such seductive red tones, in leather and Kabuki style make up. Love at first sight. I first became aware of Steve when seeing his image gracing the cover of Smash Hits Magazine in 1981. Most kids at school were into ska at that time, bands like Madness, The Specials, The Beat. Steve seemed to offer something all together more clandestined, glamorous, mysterious and certainly more sophisticated. It wasn’t just the music, although that was a large part of it, but also the new movement he and others at that time pioneered through the Blitz Club, its association with exiting new aspects of fashion, design and the arts. It wasn’t easy being one of the only kids in the school who was into this stuff. Certainly with so many skin heads knocking around the school. Quite a brave move on my part. I’d been brought up in a house listening to the likes of Bowie and Roxy Music, Kraftwerk . My parents were pretty progressive, liberal people who were into quite alternative forms of music and arts. Steve Strange and the New Romantics seemed for me to represent the obvious progression from this lineage. So despite being in to all kinds of musical styles and genres over the years, Visage’s music, the period of the new Romantics and the fascination that it had for me at a formative age has stayed with me, and I’m hoping tanzBar will give me the opportunity to play a small selection of Visage’s music in way of homage to Steve.
Kasia… A record too sad to listen to?
I'll Change Your Life from the album Bird, Lake, Objects by Masayoshi Fujita & Jan Jelinek
Listening to this record, I feel that the sadness and melancholy somehow bring positive emotions and peacefulness. I find it very pleasant to listen to. I believe that sad music might actually lift our spirits. I am not sure if a record could be to sad to listen to, ever…
Karezza… A record that reminds you of your first clubbing experience?
Wax and Wane by Cocteau Twins First of all, it is good to say that I started clubbing at goth parties - yes, I was one of those heavy make-up blurred lipstick kiddos - and I just got amused by techno and house music years later. A track that was really important to me at that time, and still one of my favourites, is Wax and Wane by the Cocteau Twins - especially the version that came out on The Pink Opaque compilation, from 1985. Insane drum-machine and unbelievably complex bass-line!
Y.O.T.I… A record that reminds you of coming out?
69 Love Songs by Magnetic Fields. One can argue that 69 Love Songs songs can be far too many love songs for one record. In my case this ambitious project can not reflect more the long process of self realisation I had to go through. I love this album as much as I love 69.
Mr Deutz… A record whose lyrics could be about your life?
DJ Culture by Pet Shop Boys. I suppose it might sound a bit dated and portentous, but the lyrics offer very singular combination of insights and feelings with which I strongly identify. I first heard the song at a very traumatic time and it consoled me. It still does.
Polanski… A record that never leaves your bag?
The Sky Was Pink (Holden Remix) by Nathan Fake. If I needed to be a hundred percent honest, I’d have to answer that my laptop is my record bag. It contains stuff that I grew up with, as well as some records that I played 15, 10, 5 or 2 years ago. Looking back, the music I play in clubs gets so heavily used that after a year or so it just goes to a folder in the same way that an LP on vinyl gets covered in dust. So to twist your question a bit, one of the most influential dance records for me of all times would have to be The Sky Was Pink (Holden Remix) by Nathan Fake. It’s still in my bag!
tanzBar is at Dalston Superstore this Saturday 14th March from 9pm - 3am.
tanzBar DJs’ Favourite Records