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Trax Couture

Trax Couture

This Thursday House Of Trax head honcho Rushmore joins us once more for another lesson in all things H.O.U.S.E. with Society. As one of the brains behind the hugely successful parties and now record label Trax Couture, we caught up with him to find out more about his fledgling label, the debut release from himself and more...

Congrats on the first Trax Couture release! Love the artwork, it's really reminiscent of the Rap Colouring Book stuff- what was thinking behind it and who is the artist?

Hey thanks for taking time to talk. Glad your into the first release. The talent behind all of our artwork is co-boss and resident Fools. He's a sucker for a good ghetto tinged illustration and Letraset, as you might be able to tell from the flyers. With all of the artwork and what we do with the House Of Trax parties, we reference early Chicago and New York house flyers which were done in a similar vein along with old UK rave flyers. We try to put or own H-O-T twist on things too.

Where do you plan to take things with the label?

Well as it's a natural extension of the parties, we aim to put out as much music as we can by ourselves [Fools & Rushmore] and people who we've become close to through doing the nights. So that's been the aim from the start. Then if we look at the clothing side then we just want to start with seasonal capsule collections in a very limited number and build from there. Who knows we might have our own totally self built label showing at fashion week and curating the runway music ourselves someday, haha!

What track from last year do you wish you'd signed?

Girl Unit - Ensemble. It was a track I truly rinsed last year and got such a good reaction every time. It would never have happened anyways, as we know those guys and was only ever going to get released on Night Slugs.

Who has been your biggest/most high profile supporter of the label so far?

Our biggest supporter, for us, with the label so far, has to be MikeQ. We've had him play at our first party last January and again since. Our first release contains a good portion of  tracks that are influenced by modern ballroom that Mike and his Qween Beat label make. It's a great honour to have his support with a style and culture which he is a leader of, and we enjoy so much.

Besides yourself, what other artists can we expect to see releasing on House Of Trax?

So, without giving too much away you will definitely see a debut from Fools. We've lined up some remixes from previous House Of Trax guests. There might be one or two curve balls, maybe something a little different which you may not expect form us too! Don't really want to disclose more than that right now... wouldn't want to jinx anything! You will be the first to know when the time is right though!

What existing labels success do you hope to emulate?

Well the first label that comes to mind is Night Slugs. We're good friends of those guys and have really enjoyed what they've done. They have completely built up their own sound within a family of their own. Bosses L-vis and Bok Bok have done an awesome job nurturing what they had and taken it to where it is now: a globally reputable label with really strong individual artists. We've been lucky enough to have their support since the beginning of Rhythm Talk and continued through to now with House Of Trax. We would definitely like to achieve that level of success though doing the things we want in our own way, only time will tell.

Tell us about the Trax Couture clothing line!

So, when Fools and I have ever discussed the idea of clothing, it was always in a collection type way. It was never just a case of lets just do standard logo T, it was always in an abundance of ideas which made it easy to decide to do a small collection, seasonally. As long as we were responsible with quantities then it could definitely work. We will retail it through our website, which is having a makeover before it launches. Regarding the concept for each season, it was quite easy for us envisage a starting point, with nearly two seasons pretty much designed. From there we can just evolve and develop each season, with a view to expand it too. So the easiest way for now to sum up the range it's street wear, club wear, club couture, Trax Couture.  

You're a pretty frequent guest, but in your opinion how does Trax Couture and Rushmore fit into Society?

Haha! Besides all of those words fitting nicely into a society in which we belong! Since Fools and I started running parties together, Rhythm Talk being the first and then now alongside H-O-T, I became friends with Kieran who runs Society. There are similarities in the music policy which can cross over and we've since played each others parties. I love playing at Society and Superstore in general as it's always a great vibe and the people there know how to party too. So to sum it all up it's a great appreciation between like minded friends and promoters.  

What ONE thing would you change about east London's house music scene?

The one thing I would change is for there to be more adventurousness.

Sum up Trax Couture in 3 words…

"Bitches ( you better ) be ready" Kind of cheated no that one haha.

Join Rushmore for Society Presents Robert Owens at Dalston Superstore this Thursday 31st January from 9pm - 2:30am

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Trax Couture

