Whitney Weiss
Whitney Weiss
This Thursday Paris-based international DJ Whitney Weiss joins us for a r'n'b infused jam at weekly girl-night Clam Jam! Ahead of the party, residents Bica and Cathal quizzed Whitney on Parisian lesbians, songs involving prolific use of the word "pussy" and Prince...
By Bica and Cathal
Hiya Whitney! Welcome to cLAM jAM……what naughty words on the street have you heard about it?
Oh hey! I've heard wonderful things about Clam Jam, that it gets packed and crazy and there are apparently a lot of cuties and interesting fashion choices involving denim? I hope that's all true. I'm very excited.
As an international lady loving bird, give us some inside info on Buenos Aires and Parisian lesbians?
Buenos Aires is great because it seems like there's not so much nesting, plus there are tons of mixed parties where you can't tell who sleeps with who until you try to sleep with them, which I think is cool. The art mullet is very much alive and well there, for better or worse.
Since it's not that big, Paris is already a city where it can feel like everyone knows (or has slept with) everyone in a particular subculture. This is especially true with Parisian lesbians. If you want to engage with a French lesbian—which you can totally choose to do—try asking her about the best place to get gluten-free bread in Saint-Ouen/Canal St. Martin/Montreuil, her electronic music project/accessories line/adorable puppy, or how amazing it was to be a lesbian in Paris during the Le Pulp era, which you (and I) tragically missed out on.
On the "official richter scale chart of lesbianism" 0 being closeted Barbara next door - 10 being being Ellen Degeneres baking muffins with Portia De Rossi whilst listening to Tracy Chapman on the radio, what position would you say you were?
I'm more of an Angelina Jolie circa Hackers vintage 1990s overly-optimistic college sophomore sexuality/gender is fluid kind of girl, to be totally honest!
You played with some big acts/DJs, but I kinda wanna know about the most recent one, Zebra Katz. How did that go?
It was absolutely wonderful and also somehow super-French. We both played at this lovely party called ONO at Faust, which is a new club under the Pont Alexandre III bridge in what used to be like a customs space for maritime imports. So just picture a huge bougie cave of a room packed with people who work in fashion and lesbians in heels with expensive haircuts and professional voguers and stylish foreigners of indeterminate sexual orientation and a handful of enthusiastic barely legal French teenagers, all frolicking together. I got to play thanks to my dear friend Kiddy Smile, who DJed an incredible set the same night. Vjuan Allure, who is an amazing ballroom DJ from the US, also turned people out. And of course Zebra Katz was fantastic.
I know you gonna bring it at cLAM jAM! Tell our girls what kinda music choices have you got cooked for them?
So much Janet, a reasonable amount of ballroom, a little bit of freestyle, some Robbie Tronco songs that prominently feature the word "pussy" and mid-90s treasures you forgot you knew the words to but will remember when on the dance floor. Oh and Prince. There will be Prince.
First time I met you was at legendary CHERYL. Mental night in the best possible way. How did you get involved with that?
Oh my god I have such fond memories of that night! It was one of the highlights of my summer for sure and the London debut of Father Figures, my party/DJ and production project with DJ Traviesa. I had heard about CHERYL through a friend in New York and actually wanted to bring them to Buenos Aires a few years ago. We went out for Polish food and totally got along, but bringing them to Argentina fell through in a colossal way thanks to South American logistics. Instead of hating me, we stayed friends and they had me play CHERYLWEEN V, CHERYL: Alien, and Jennifer Aniston's fake funeral, which was a personal highlight of my clubbing life. I joined them on their tour two summers ago in Europe, which actually eventually led to me moving here—thanks, CHERYL! I absolutely adore them and they consistently throw the best parties. We had a wonderfully debaucherous time together at Glasslands in August, too; just thinking about it makes me grin. I just can't say enough good things about them.
You are also involved in the Vogue Balls in Paris. Tell me more……?
Yes! I am Whitney Míu Míu, the DJ for the kiki house Míu Míu. The absolutely wonderful Kiddy Smile invited me to play the Grace Jones Ball last fall, and it kind of grew from there. There was a Janet Jackson Ball last summer, which was great as well. I'm definitely not an expert on the Paris vogue scene at all, but it seems like it's really growing and expanding. Teki Latex, who is an amazing French DJ, is also quite involved now. I'd say the vogueing community is one of the most creative and legitimately fun facts of Paris nightlife, since people aren't afraid to dance and actually appear to be enjoying themselves when at parties.
P……p……ppp PRINCE gonna just come out with it. What's going on between you two? Is it love or lust or both?
Oh my god, it is something that I'll never comprehend, just like his gender identity/sexual orientation. I've been deeply in lust with Prince since puberty and felt funny feelings for him starting with when I was a precocious youngster and saw the cover of Purple Rain in my parent's record collection. I've been listening to him since I was 9 or 10, long before I understood what he was talking about (which explains a lot, really). I love and respect him and am a little bit afraid of him at the same time. I have started relationships with people where their level of enthusiasm for Prince was a determining factor, no joke. Also, according to Wendy and Lisa, he counts as a lesbian. Do with that information what you will.
Join Whitney this Thursday 4th December for Clam Jam at Dalston Superstore from 9pm - 2.30am.
Visit Whitney Weiss' website: www.whitneyweiss.com
Whitney Weiss