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Queer Speed Dating: LGSM Fundraiser

Are you looking for the monster of your dreams? Or maybe a fellow ghoul to hit up the monster’s ball with? Whether it’s queer connection or community you seek, Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants (LGSMigrants) have you covered this Halloween with our Queer Speed Dating Fundraiser!

Extra special host TBC ?


All proceeds from ticket sales will be going to support the LGSMigrants Pride Fundraiser. Find out more or donate directly to the Pride Fundraiser on our Gofundme page.


Queer Speed Dating is open to queer people of all genders and orientations. We will not be arranging pairings on the basis of dating preference. Instead, everyone will get a chance to chat with everyone else in attendance. While we hope that those looking for love will be able to meet their perfect romantic match, we will also be facilitating ‘friendship matches’ in the spirit of building community.

Each speed date will last for 3 minutes. Throughout the events, participants will be asked to make note of whether each date could provide them with a romantic or friend match. This information will be gathered by LGSMigrants members at the end of the event. If two people list each other in the same category (romantic or friend), it’s a match! We will be in touch in the days following the event to let you know who you matched with and to pass on their contact details.

LGSMigrants aims to provide a space where everyone feels safe and supported. Dating and meeting new people can make everyone feel vulnerable at times. Our welfare team will be present on the night to look out for you and offer help where needed. Breaks will be scheduled frequently throughout the evening. Behaviour that is racist, misogynistic, ableist, fetishistic, transphobic or bigoted in any way will not be tolerated. Speed dating is all about making matches based on mutual interest. Consent is key! Behaviour that is sexually inappropriate or overly forward will not be accepted.


Queer Speed Dating: LGSM Fundraiser

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Queer Speed Dating: LGSM Fundraiser

