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Transmissions presents sightings.mov

On Halloween night, we celebrate exactly one year of Transmissions at Dalston Superstore with a carefully curated anthology of short Horror from our frequent collaborator Jei Degenhardt.

Find us downstairs where we will be transforming the basement into a surreal adaptation of every chronically online young adult’s bedroom as we take you to the deep, dark corners of the internet with a collection of thirteen shorts assembled in tribute to Creepypastas, TV static, and YouTube holes of yesteryear.

If you’ve ever seen something on the internet late at night that maybe you wished you hadn’t, this one is for you.


A Trick of the Light

Tomorrow Calling

You Are On The Fastest Available Route



Unedited Footage of a Bear

Earn $20K EVERY MONTH by being your own boss

My house walk-through

Nightmare 13 Witch

you need me


Morgue video

This House Has People In It

Tickets available via OutSavvy

Subtitles will be displayed throughout the film.

Seating is a mixture of benches, backed chairs, bar stools, and floor space, and is first come, first served.

Transmissions presents sightings.mov

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Transmissions presents sightings.mov

