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Transmissions presents THE WITCH (2015)

Since Transmissions began its evolution into East London’s premiere film club nearly two years ago, we’ve been waiting for the right time to screen Robert Eggers’ almighty classic of modern Horror cinema, and as we get ever closer to Halloween, the time is finally nigh.

Gird your loins and say your prayers, because The Witch (2015) is here to curdle your blood.

One of the most triumphant debut features of all-time, Eggers’ immersive New-England folktale also marked the debut of Anya Taylor-Joy, who launched an enormous career after her performance here as Thomasin, the eldest child of Christian puritans, excommunicated from the church for the extremity of their beliefs and forced to live off the land while superstition, isolation, and unknown forces lay waste to their family.

Hailed upon release by The Satanic Temple as transformative and empowering, The Witch is ultimately a story about who suffers most under religious oppression and patriarchy, and within its chilling Horror trappings is one of the most compelling depictions of resistance to those powers put to film.

 We invite you to venture downstairs to the deep dark of Dalston Superstore’s basement where we’ll usher in October’s month of Horror programming a little early with a screening of one of the very best the genre has to offer.


Tickets available via OutSavvy

Subtitles will be displayed throughout the film.

Seating is a mixture of benches, backed chairs, bar stools, and floor space, and is first come, first served.

Transmissions presents THE WITCH (2015)

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Transmissions presents THE WITCH (2015)

