A night ran by femmes, for femmes! Tonight we celebrate femme 4 femme vibes and FEMMEBOYS. At Femmi-Errect we celebrate the whole femme spectrum (if you identify as femme or love and respect femmes you’re welcome to party with us, it doesn’t matter what your gender) We say a big fuck you to femmephobia!
Berlin based DJ Kos_Mic Q’andi, Pxssy Palace's own Nadine Artois, Femmi Errect's Resident DJ Dz0n, Returning to Femmi is SHVA, and debuting their first Femmi gig is Seksu.
Early Birds on Outsavvy for £5
£5 OTD 10pm-11pm/£7 OTD after
Free entrance if you receive benefits/ job seekers/ asylum seeker (make sure to email femmierrect@gmail.com at least 3 hours before)
Femmi Errect