Kris Di Angelis
Kris Di Angelis
KRIS DI ANGELIS is our favourite homegrown homo DJ superstar and is resident at the fabulous Delirium party he throws every other month at Superstore alongside cohorts Jaime Ritchie (Slowpoke) and rising star James Pople. He found a window in his schedule to talk about what makes him tick...
Kris, you’re the hardest working man in showbusiness... what have you been up to lately?
Hahahaha I love that! I've started work on my Lovebox show, which is frightening. Been hard at work in the studio remixing Tricky's incredible new record, and a new artist called Jeb Loy Nichols who's made one of THE albums to know this year. Launched a few nights, played a few nights. I'm about to piss off to America on a sort of mini tour too so I've had lots of organising to do. Not really my strong point.
Describe Delirium for us... what makes it special?
It's the best thing I do musically. I just have the most fun, play the best music, to a crowd that really know what they like. There's something very special that happens down there, I've had lots of people remark on the very unique atmosphere. The music's a bit slower, sometimes a bit deeper, but absolutely everyone has a huge smile on their faces. Something you don't see all the time in London these days! I do have to say that I couldn't imagine having more laughs at a gig than with Jaime and James. For many, many reasons, they crack me the fuck up!
You grew up in London, what were the first clubs you went to?
There was a night called Strawberry Sundae, in a venue that was underneath Cats on Drury Lane. I was 14 and it was the most phenomenal night I could imagine. The Bucketheads 'The Bomb' was just coming out and every DJ there battered it all night (before it became the Oprah of house tracks!). There are a few clubs that had a fundamental effect on me when I first went to them; Not sure I'll ever forget the first time I went to Trade (also at 14 - Can you believe it!), Trailer Trash blew my mind, and most recently Slowpoke. Each of them did something to me musically that has stayed with me. In a good way!
When did you start to make the transition from clubber to DJ?
Eight years ago, much to my chagrin. People had been saying for years that I should play out but I couldn't see the point! Then life presented me with a dilemma, I kinda had to lose everything to gain everything. I played a gig for a friend because I had just lost my job and was broke. In those few hours I learnt almost everything I needed to learn technically, and felt fulfilled in a way I hadn't experienced before.
...and from DJ to producer?
I was producing before I DJed. I was going into studios and writing my own tracks and remixes. The only two things I could definitely do when I left school were play various musical instruments and lie. I've always loved remixing other people's songs, but it was so hard to get noticed - Labels didn't understand why a person would want to remix something if they weren't a DJ, and I couldn't see how someone who plays other people's records could write one themselves. When Traktor came out, I thought it was so cool that it could time stretch live. Many things that were previously only achievable in the studio were now possible live in a club, and so it began.
Which of your own tracks are you proudest of?
Right now I guess my remix of 'Born 2 Die' by Lana Del Rey. It's the first time in ages that I've actually had the space in the studio to be as musical as I want. I recorded it in the same room that she did the original in, so I had all these old Wurlitzer's and Hammond organs just sitting there, plus bits of old drum kits and a big live room. I even had the Musical Director of Ronnie Scott's James Pearson come and play piano for me during the session, which was fairly breathtaking. Everyone seems to like the mix, a few lucky ones have the rare 9 minute version. I dunno, it still gets me tingly.
Lana Del Ray - Born 2 Die (Kris Di Angelis remix)
What are your plans for the future?
Well in general, everything I'm doing is working towards an album. I'm slowly building up the confidence to ask the people I'd like to work with to work with me! My Lovebox show involves my musical director Robert Allen, we're putting together another orchestra, brass section etc, the show will involve lots of surprises this year. I've been making tracks with Mel Blatt that are thankfully being very well received. I've got a few different nights on around London (WAR, Love Below), plus I've set up a crew of DJs and we're putting something together as a gang which is cool. There's also my residencies at Room Service and Circus with my demented tranny flatmate Jodie Harsh which are about to get MUCH bigger. Then of course, when I find the time, I crochet!
Kris plays the next Delirium on Saturday March 3rd with Jaime Ritchie and James Pople.
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Kris Di Angelis