Patrick Church
Patrick Church
For the launch of our new monthly exhibition series, ArtHole, we are joined by Patrick Church who presents his latest solo show, I Love You But I Love Me More. Featuring striking colourful works of pop culture figures in private moments, the show is sure to turn heads with its sheer boldness. Ahead of the private view on the next First Thursday (5th February), we caught up with Patrick to find out more about this young artist...
Who are you and what medium do you work in?
My name is Patrick, my main method of working is usually drawing and painting. I paint in oil, acrylics and watercolour and I like using pencils and markers to draw with.
Who was the first artist who mesmerised young You, and what work specifically caught your eye?
Who was the first artist who mesmerised young You, and what work specifically caught your eye?
Stella Vine, I remember my art teacher at school telling me to look at her work when I was super young, and I was immediately drawn into her world. It just totally affected me.
What training have you received in your chosen medium, if any?
I have always been creative from a young age, I was painting consistently from the age of 16, and never looked back. My art teacher at school was so brilliant, really encouraging, I completed my A Levels, after that I had two failed university attempts. I knew what I wanted to do and I am quite stubborn.
What's your fave piece of your work on exhibition with ArtHole?
My paintings of Marc Jacobs, I am totally obsessed with him and his world!
I would like to make it more accessible, to make it more desirable.
What do you aspire to?
What do you aspire to?
To too many things, each week I aspire to something new.
Tell us a secret about yourself...
Tell us a secret about yourself...
I don't have many, I am a very open person.
What music do you make your art to?
What music do you make your art to?
Loads of different artists, I am obsessed with music and it really sets the tone for my work. Kaytranada, Erykah Badu and the Bee Gees to name a few.
Describe your working process for us...
Describe your working process for us...
It just seems to happen, I either know its going to work or its not, I cant explain, its just intuition.
What was the last thing that moved you to tears? (or just moved you generally...)
The fact that I stay up late at night thinking about a certain someone.
Join Patrick for the private view of his brand new solo show at ArtHole on First Thursday 5th Feb from 6pm - 10pm at Dalston Superstore.
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Patrick Church