Two years of Cult Culture
Two years of Cult Culture
Reaching the end of an amazing two years doing parties at our favourite London venue is super sad but also full of joy. We've had so many golden moments together! The superb music our guest DJs have brought to the party fill us with pride and joy, so we thought we’d share a couple of moments, and the records we feel have perfectly encapsulated our Cult Culture party over the eight parties at Superstore.
Without a doubt the highlight of our first party was the huge crew that came through from Bristol…especially the minibus ramble… we don't think Superstore quite knew what was happening!
We’d also invited relatively unknown DJ, Soren Miehe over from Berlin. Not only was Soren an incredible DJ, everybody fell in love with this beaut at first sight.
With his big gorgeous smile, he was dropping bombs like this:
When people ask us to tell them our favourite party or who our favourite guest was, it's almost impossible to answer. However, we will always affectionately remember our Superstore party with the wonderful Telephones playing downstairs and the incredible johnsmith (Man-Up Winner) performing Madonna’s Vogue in their own inimitable way upstairs. It was the first time I have seen an artist perform upstairs on the bar who immediately affected the whole venue… They finished their performance and it sent palpable shockwaves throughout the building. Meanwhile, Telephones was playing this masterpiece in the lazer pit at peak time and everybody went wild for it:
Our only regret was when we returned to our Airbnb and Henning changed into Oozing Gloop drag that we didn’t soundtrack it with the very same Jazz Carnival!
So when Jan Schulte (aka Wolf Müller, Bufiman and a bunch of other aliases) arrived from Dusseldorf to headline the lazer pit for us, we expected to feel like we’d been hit over the head with millions of drums…and we weren’t disappointed, it was a masterpiece of a set. BPMs dropping to around a 100bpm at peak time and the dancefloor was still jiving hard. BUT it is this record that Jan told us he found in his collection (and thought he’d lost) just before departing to London that he played at just the right moment!
Next up was a choice booking for our headline slot, Auntie Flo. Known for his incredible Afro vibes throughout his productions and DJ sets, he to decided shelve this and instead bought his entire Italo disco vinyl collection, making the most of his apartment being around the corner. We don’t think we have seen anybody play such a flawless Italo disco set before…it was a delight to be there dancing. All this been said, he did divert slightly to play this absolute edit banger!
Now the last record is often a challenge and something we have always found quite difficult to select. You have a choice: you can either chose to close out with a chilled obviously-this-set-is-coming-to-an-end record OR you can leave the dancefloor begging for MOOOOORE…. Auntie Flo kinda achieved both and definitely holds the title for best last record of our party series at Superstore. This got played in its entirety...for this very moment it was the best record ever! There is a video floating around of this moment somewhere but alas we don’t know where?!
Upstairs we were thrilled to provide a wee platform for our friends at Rhythm Sister (a DJ collective that provides a safe and supportive environment for those that identify as women or gender queer to learn and hone their DJ skills.) When Jess Farley played this, it was proof that no matter how well a record is known if you time it correctly it always stands the test of time/never gets old:
Since we are closing our last Cult Culture ourselves this Saturday, we thought we would finish off with a few tracks that have become PLU classics over the years.
We went for years playing this record in every set we played. This clip is actually from the theme tune of the U.S. Sitcom starring a young John Travolta! The edit we play derives from this, but there is not a clip of the edit online. If you are looking for the exact track, it's a Doug Lee edit.
We have actually had people complain when we have not played this!
I don’t think this record has left our bag for the last 12 months. We LOVE IT because it combines a nod to our love of early nineties rave and - we feel - still has a disco/funk vibe running through it ;)
In terms of the music we play and the artists we book, we play most things: house, Italo, synth, industrial, punk, afro… anything goes, but in our early People Like Us parties we very much just played disco, and this is one of the records that have endured up until this present day… It never fails.
Expect some more of this kinda magic on Saturday night as we go through all night long... Techno/bleep music from a label whose output was, for us, unsurpassed at the time.
Finally, this track remained a wee secret weapon for us for a while, helped by the fact it costs silly money to purchase second hand, so not many DJs had it. We are big fans of Red Axes anyway but they really excelled themselves when they did this edit of Shocking Blue’s Love Buzz. We absolutely love how just before the breakdown they remain true to the original and allow the record to dramatically increase in speed…we’ve seen people lose their shit to this so many times.
Catch PLU at Cult Culture this Saturday 5 August from 9pm-3am at Dalston Superstore!
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Two years of Cult Culture