Justin Robertson Speaks To Homodrop
Justin Robertson Speaks To Homodrop
This Saturday we welcome back the Homodrop crew to both floors of Dalston Superstore, and this time they're bringing a special guest with them in the shape of Superstore fave Justin Robertson! Ahead of the party they caught up with Justin to find out more about what he's been up to lately, what records he's been buying and what's in store for 2015...
By Florian Dovillez
You’ve done a lot of remixes and productions – which are your favourite remixes and artists you’ve worked with?
That’s very hard to say really, I’ve been so lucky to have been given the opportunity to work with some amazing artists… if I was pushed I’d have to say Bjork for such an immense voice. I’m also pretty happy with my Chicken Lips remix, and in terms of some of the more recent ones, I’m very happy with Cheval Sombre and The Asphodells . I always think the last thing I did is the best thing ever, but I must say I’m quite happy with the psychedelic direction I’m heading in.
I think in terms of music things are better now than ever before, there is soooo much amazing stuff being produced. I’m not one to complain about the bounty of modern music production, sure there’s a lot of nonsense, but the gems far outweigh the trash. The only thing I’ve always found hard to swallow is the deification of DJs, it’s such a nonsense… in the early days of club culture the DJ was a director, a figure maybe of respect, but very much part of a collective experience, not a ‘star’ in a rock n roll sense, that’s what made acid house such a different movement. Perhaps it’s just too idealistic of me to think money wouldn’t ultimately dictate the direction of dance music, but there are enough idealists out there keeping it fresh and exciting.
I hold that the dance music revolution remains the most significant development in popular music ever… much more so than say punk because it changed how we listen to and create music. It united people like no other musical movement, and opened up a well of associated creativity. In an information age like now, we can filter the nonsense out for ourselves, there is so much choice, and high quality choice, that we need not worry too much about the rubbish; I just ignore it.
Why is it important to distinguish between your different aliases? Artistically speaking, what mainly are the differences between them?
I think I use different names so that I don’t commodify myself, I don’t like the idea of being a “brand”; it’s a horrible way to talk about music. I think it’s also because I enjoy making up band names and identities, it’s a teenage rock n roll fantasy hangover!
In musical terms I’m not sure if they mean much. I think there is variety within each project; taking in songs, club bangers, and dubby ambience… it depends on what mood I’m in!
Which "DROP" of tracks would you include in your set for HOMODROP ?
I’m loving a lot of the Nein Records stuff, also Chris Massey’s stuff is great. I also have a few new bits of my own which I think the kids might dig, plus some jackers old and new.
What was the last vinyl you bought?
I recently spent an afternoon in a freezing shack in Sweden digging for records. I was particularly pleased with Bo Hansson’s Sagan Om Ringen, basically a far out interpretation of Lord Of The Rings! Much better than it sounds.
What’s next for you?
I have a brand new Deadstock 33s album, called Everything Is Turbulence out in the first part of the year, and I’m finishing off an ambient project for release some time after that. I’ve also got an exhibition of some of my paintings in February, so I’m looking to do a few events with an artistic element! And there’s quite a few remixes and a spot of song writing, so yes just making stuff in various forms.
Join Justin for Homodrop this Saturday 10th January at Dalston Superstore from 9pm - 4am.
Justin Robertson Speaks To Homodrop