Loulou Reloulou
Loulou Reloulou
French fashion designer and artist Loulou Reloulou has been hard at work the last few weeks turning our toilets into an erotic toilet paradise, giving each cubicle its own unique feel. Ahead of the launch party next Wednesday we caught up with her to find out more...!
What was the inspiration for Loulou's Erotic Toilets?
After the hallway of Vogue Fabrics Club, I wanted to find a place where people have time and are alone to watch erotic stories as long as they want without the potential judgment of others… a really intimate place.
Superstore toilets are perfect because they look like changing rooms and they are so close to the dancefloor: the ultimate place to find some inspiration and realize their fantasies in the same space during an unforgettable night!!!
What are you doing when you're not painting orgiastic scenes on our walls?
I try to have some in real life… but it is not so easy, or perhaps too much!!!! I am looking for elegant and brutish scenes at the same time…
Each cubicle has a different feel- can you talk us through each one?
We have four stories: The Crazy Fantasy, The Erotic Show, The Unexpected Paradise and The Last Supper. I designed each toilet as an unique experience and I really wanted to create the desire to try them all!!!
You share the first cubicle with so many partners. You discover the most beautiful night outdoor erotic show in the second one… You would never sex with animals... but it seems so natural in the third… and the last is like so many delicious candies inside… how can anyone choose just one? You want to experiment in all of them all the time!!!!!
What are some of your favourite murals- toilets, sex-themed or otherwise?
I feel very connected to some drawings of Saul Steinberg because he created an interaction with the architecture and his characters seem to be really alive. I am also fascinated by the surreal but realistic creatures of Hans Bellmer… and of course Keith Haring, so much fun but quite serious subjects, but that's more because he had a real modern way to conceive art and to use it on various supports, even on products.
My best favorite mural was just my ceiling, five years ago, after a big water leak from the upstairs neighbour which completely destroyed the paint… it became in this really incredible way, a sky territory with a lot of funny clouds… and all the dreams seemed to be inside.
How long did the whole process take you, from design to execution?
I am not really aware of that. When I am in the execution period, my spirit is there but also already somewhere else, always opened on future potential designs… sometimes the design comes from a memory of the past, three years ago, which suddenly makes sense with the present… it is a full life process!!!
How was your working atmosphere inside the toilets?
Meeting people in toilets is an incredible sociological experience! Among the funniest moments, this man who came one evening to ask me where he can find a bisexual girl… or this girl asked me if everything was ok, thinking that I was sick, finding me on all fours on the floor, trying to paint my name in the more correct way as possible at the bottom of the door! I can’t imagine myself going back to work in a design agency now, all the time at an office desk… or perhaps I'd just be with my laptop on my head playing a melody with the keyboard!
What drives you in your work? It spans a wide variety of media and seems quite time-consuming!
Painting the walls is the artwork, making a movie lets me express my own vision about my concept, organising a party is a way to share it, creating products can afford to offer memories. It is just a complete vision of what can be a creative project.
What will you be wearing at your Erotic Toilet Party?
I never reveal my clothing intentions before the night!!!
But all will be really FUN until the hole… and I am sure also after inside.
Tell us about the Loulou Burger...
It will be something like a comfortable bed with SEX in the middle… and so much delicious white sauce!!
What can we do to win a LOULOU Tshirt?
All is ready for the Big Colouring Competition!!! Everybody is invited to cut a part of the special LOULOU Toilet Paper, put colours and add an adult spirit in this childhood universe… the more surprising colouring will win the LOULOU Tshirt!!!
Why should we come "dance, piss and sex in the same place" in Loulou's Erotic Toilets?
Because they are there for just that; for a complete incredible body experience.
LOULOU Erotic Toilets from Loulou Reloulou on Vimeo.
Join Loulou on Wednesday 30th April in the Dalston Superstore toilets from 7pm - late for Loulou's Erotic Toilet Party.
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Loulou Reloulou