Paola Revenioti
Paola Revenioti
Tomorrow night sees a special fundraiser from online LGBT art repository The Queer Archive who aim to bring a brand new solo exhibition of Paola Revenioti's work to the White Cubicle gallery in East London. Paola, a Greek and trans* activist and artist produces dreamy and erotic photography and has been instrumental in Greece's gay scene for decades. Ahead of tomorrow's party with Holestar, Terry Vietheer, A Man To Pet, Hello Mozart, Duchess Of Pork and RUFUS&Bambi all taking to the decks, we caught up with Paola to ask more about her work...
What will your exhibition at the White Cubicle gallery consist of?
The exhibition will consist of portraits of my lovers from 1986 until the beginning of the '90s. Some of them were published at Kraximo, a fanzine which I was publishing at the time, as well as material from the fanzine itself.
What is the situation for trans* people in Greece really like right now?
The main problem is survival. The government does not care about them at all, and as it's difficult for trans people to get work anyway, they have to turn to prostitution, which nowadays is far from providing a living. It is a very tough time for many trans people I know, including myself.
What are you most proud of having published in your fanzine Kraximo?
The fact that even though I was a transvestite in a very conservative period, as was the '80s, I managed to interview some important people who opened up to me without reservations. Some of the articles in the fanzine, which were written by myself and other exceptional and very talented writers were quite ahead of their time.
How difficult was it organising Athens first ever Gay Pride back in 1992?
It was extremely difficult because there was no gay organisation of any sort at the time in Greece to support us, and we decided to take the risk and organise an open party on a hill in central Athens and later on a big square in the centre of the city. It was the first time that Gay Pride posters were everywhere in the city for the for everyone to see. This gave comfort to the gay community and paved the way for the rest of the Gay Prides in Greece to evolve.
Tell us about your ongoing Paola Project...
The Paola Project is a collective effort and a personal need for artistic expression, but also a way to present a series of taboo issues that the media wouldn't dare to show. All the projects are being produced based on my own personal aesthetic. I get no profit out of them, they are funded by myself and they are made of love.
Join us for The Queer Archive tomorrow (Friday 27th September) at Dalston Superstore from 9pm - 4am to help raise funds for Paolo's latest exhibition.
Image Credit: Paola Revenioti
Translation: Konstantinos of The Queer Archive
Paola Revenioti